Policies and Procedures
Please feel free to view our school policies below.
Other useful links:
Defence Children Services (DCS)
Childrens Education Advisory Service (CEAS)
Files to Download
British Section - Absconding Policy British Section - Homework Policy British Section - Marking and Feedback Policy British Section - Pupil Transfer Policy British Section - Remote Learning - Safeguarding British Section - Remote Learning Policy British Section - Safe Operating Policy DCS Guidance - Placement out of Chronological Year Group DCS Directive - Social Media DCS Directive - Allegations Against Staff and Volunteers who work in MOD Schools and Settings Overseas DCS Directive - Charging and Remissions DCS Directive - Charging For School Activities DCS Directive - Complaints Procedure for MOD schools settings Overseas DCS Directive - Data Protection within DCS DCS Directive - Managing Personal Intimate Care in MOD schools and settings DCS Directive - MOD Schools Outdoor Learning and School Visits DCS Directive - Pupil Exclusion DCS Directive - School Governance Committees DCS Directive - Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions at MOD Schools DCS Directive - Supporting Transgender Children and Young People DCS Directive - Water Safety for MOD Schools and Settings DCS Guidance - Retention of Children in MOD Schools DCS MOD Schools Privacy Notice DCS Statement - Mobiles DCS Statement - Social Media DSC Directive - Assessment of Support Needs for Accompanied Assignments Overseas DSC Directive - School Attendance Equal Opportunities FS Admission Policy Inclement Weather JSP 342 - Education of Service Children and Young People - Part 1 Directive Planning Teaching Assessment Policy Swim England - Guidance for School Swimming